These are difficult and challenging times, especially for young people who have many reasons to feel concerned as they look to the future. On an almost daily basis, they are bombarded with reports and forecasts of climate disasters, facts about income and justice inequality and encounters with homelessness, poverty, violence and mental illness. And as they look into their personal future, they worry about paying for health care and having good options for education of their children.

Young people’s reactions to these scenarios are ominous but understandable: High levels of depression and anxiety. Deaths by suicide and from mass shootings. Enormous debt and difficulty saving. Fear of walking on city streets. And an overall loss of faith in the good will and effectiveness of social institutions, from government to education.     

Our elders can dimly recall times when people felt proud to serve and give back to the community. But the prevailing view today is one of negativity. There are so many targets to blame and so much going wrong that it can seem like a waste of energy to do the good or right thing.

All of this makes the task of being a parent now tougher than ever. When your children rightfully feel that the world is threatening and unfair, what can you do? And how can parents respond honestly to all of this bad news without reinforcing their children’s anxiety and fear? Negativity and hopelessness can begin at any age, and they can become habitual if a child embraces them when very young. Nonetheless, there are ways a parent can respond that can help their children avoid negative, self-defeating cycles and develop habits that will empower them in their future lives.

Too often, parents seek the quick and easy “solution”— a singular intervention or focus that will magically shift the mindset, personality and behavior of their offspring. Furthermore, they want this done easily and without much investment on their part. But parents eventually discover two realities: One, they cannot ensure an outcome since their children have minds of their own. They can only create a setting that offers positive opportunities for their children. Two, they soon realize that their children’s values, incentives and motivation were learned early in life and are now fairly set, leaving very little room for deep change.

But these realizations won’t stop parents from worrying or wishing. They hear their kids talk about how there is nothing they can do about the big issues or how bad the future looks to them. “Why should I work hard? The world isn’t fair. There’s no way to get ahead. There will be no world for our kids. … You old folks have screwed things up for our generation.” How can parents respond?

The first reality you’ll discover is that you can’t argue with your kids or use rationality to change their feelings and opinions. They are especially able to tune out inauthenticity, which can appear in self-serving homilies or when you say something you clearly do not believe or is at odds with your actual behavior. Still, there are some useful ways to respond to your children’s negativity and pessimism that may help point them in a new direction. Here are four practices you can follow.

Practice 1: Engage them in dialogue, and don’t brush them off.

It’s easy to turn off listening or responding to your children’s complaints, and they often cooperate by agreeing that they don’t want to talk about it. But that’s the easy way out. Instead, you can take their complaints as a call for help or an opportunity to be a useful parent/mentor. Instead of responding to their message, you might respond to the emotional distress beneath their words: “Yes, I can see that is very upsetting. It’s hard to know what to do.” Then make inquiries about what they are concerned about and how they might do something. This is challenging because their presentation may make the whole situation seem cut and dried and totally hopeless. Nonetheless, you can gently help them consider what they can do that could be a path to a different outcome. This sort of guidance may not always be welcomed, but with persistence it can sometimes be helpful.

Practice 2: Reinforce activity not passivity.

Depression arises from a cycle of feeling that a situation is hopeless, believing that nothing can be done and thus not trying to do anything. But by not acting, your children will never learn that things may not be as bad as they think. If they feel there is nothing that can be done about a situation, you can encourage them to go out and talk to the people who are involved, share their distress and ask if there is another way. This can be seen as an experiment that tests whether or not their hopelessness is correct, and as often as not, they will find there are other options to explore. As a parent, you can challenge their response of doing nothing and encourage testing and trial actions.

Practice 3: Encourage self-care.

Pessimism and passivity can too easily lead to negative behaviors—overeating, drinking, endless computer or video games—that make things worse for the individual and reinforce passivity. On the other hand, it is well known that if you are feeling bad and you take a walk, exercise, do something active or seek our friends and social contact, you lift yourself out of brooding and self-absorption and create some positive feelings. You might even forget how upset you are. So an important way to help your children respond to negative feelings is to encourage them to take care of themselves and do something positive. Even doing something that personally uplifts them, like shopping therapy or a dinner out, can be helpful. Another form of self-care that is beneficial and to be encouraged is some sort of physical or spiritual practice. They can meditate, take up a sport or hobby, go to church or synagogue or find a group of people who enjoy or are dedicated to something—be it books, music or hiking.

Practice 4: Help them define something useful that can be done and make it happen.

No single individual can heal the earth or end unfair social practices. Today’s young people face huge societal problems and can quickly feel overwhelmed. That reinforces their conclusion that there is nothing they can do. But as a parent, you can guide your children to select something positive and on a smaller scale that they can do. Choose something they are concerned about, such as social fairness, bullying, or homelessness. Help them find a local group or organization that is engaged in that area, and find exactly how they can volunteer or become involved. Stick with them as they seek information, attend a meeting or find a role or way to get involved. This is the pathway to useful social engagement that can be followed many times in their life, and if, as a parent, you teach them these skills of social involvement, you will have shown them a model for positive behavior that they can draw on time and again. In addition, what happens when they become engaged is that they meet other people who share their concerns but are also excited about making a difference. And they also receive positive support and respect for doing something good.

You cannot ensure that your children will have positivity predominate in every interaction, but by following some of these principles, you can show your children options that can set them on a positive life path.