The City of Mountlake Terrace is offering new virtual dance and fitness programs to help you stay active during the pandemic. The week of Oct. 26, the city’s dance and fitness program is booting up the new broadcast studio housed in the Mambo Room at the Pavilion. Check out our offerings to look for something on our schedule that interests you and motivates you to move. The city is offering a number of selections including yoga, pilates, senior chair fitness, ballet, jazz, tap, pre-school dance and some new fitness classes geared to your lunch hour.
While the public is asked to stay home and stay safe, there are some advantages to having virtual programs. The convenience of turning on a conference call at home is a huge time saver when it comes to squeezing a dance or fitness class into the day. Also you can participate from anywhere, so if you have moved away, you can stay connected to the MLT community for your dance and fitness training!
Take a look at class descriptions at www.mltrec.com/2088 and click on a class name to register via the DASH software program. Only adult and teen programs allow drop-in participation. Having a payment card attached to your account makes it easy to process your request to drop-in via phone call, voice mail or email. Contact Support Services’ Renee Norton at 425-640-3104 orrnorton@ci.mlt.wa.us at least 24 hours in advance of your class (Monday through Thursday) to reserve a space for virtual drop-in.
If you have any questions, contact Dance Program Supervisor Chloe Davenport at cdavenport@mltwa.gov or 425-640-3107.